2015 Bodega Applied Phylogenetics Workshop


UC Davis

Workshop in Applied Phylogenetics

at Bodega Marine Laboratory, Bodega Bay, California, March 7–14, 2015

Sponsored by the
University of California, Davis and Bodega Marine Laboratory


Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Saturday March 8   Student project set-up starts at 5:00 “State of the Union” (Peter Wainwright)
Sunday March 9 Continuous Time Markov Models  and Bayesian Inference (John Huelsenbeck) RevBayes (Sebastian Hohna)
Next Generation Sequencing (Jonathan Eisen)
Monday March 10 Divergence-Time Estimation Lecture & BEAST2 Tutorial (Tracy Heath) Species Tree Inference (Bob Thomson) Species Delimitation Lecture (Bruce Rannala)
Tuesday March 11 MCMC Diagnosis (Brian Moore) and Model Selection (Sebastian Hohna) Discrete Trait Evolution (Rich Glor and Sam Price) Work on Projects
Wednesday March 12 Biogeography (Michael Landis) Field Trips Work on Projects
Thursday March 13  Continuous Trait Evolution (Sam Price) Rates of Lineage Diversification (Brian Moore and Mike May) Work on Projects
Friday March 14 Student presentations Student presentations PARTY!!
Saturday March 15 Depart    

Instructor Availability

Instructor Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Jonathan Eisen            
Rich Glor            
Tracy Heath            
Sebastian Hohna            
John Huelsenbeck            
Michael Landis            
Sarah Longo            
Mike May            
Brian Moore            
Peter Wainwright            
Sam Price            
Bruce Rannala            
Bob Thomson            


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